Author: admin

  • Platforms

    Many people have decided to try alternates social media platforms or technologies as a result of precedented* interference in elections and information sharing. This is all good and we certainly should support such actions. In particular, Nashua Liberty is currently maintaining a presence on Mewe and Parler. We also recommend that you move away from…

  • Folding@Home Nashua Liberty Team

    Do you have a fairly recent mid-grade to high end graphics card? Join the Nashua LibertyFolding@Home team# 237760. Configure your client to “I support research fighting: Any Disease”. Covid-19 is in the mix and getting the hype but even when this is over, you can help research into cancer, Alzheimer’s and others. Folding@home is a…

  • Little Free Libraries

    The first of the Economics in One Lesson books have been deployed to eight of the Little Free Libraries in Nashua. A copy was placed at each location in the table. Donations to sponsor this project were received in cryptocurrency in both Bitcoin and Dash. Several of the books include a bookmark with a small…

  • Getting involved before (or after!) you move

    Sometimes people ask how they can get involved in helping New Hampshire before they move to Nashua. One great way would be to join the NewHampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA) or setup a recurring donation to the NHLA Political Action fund or Operations fund. The PAC fund is used to provide financial support to endorsed candidates…

  • Feb 11, 2019 – School Board Meeting

    There is a good chance that Nashua State Rep Schmidt will attend the Feb 11, 2019 school board meeting to ask the school board to support HB101. This bill would for the first time give local school boards the authority to infringe upon the rights of citizens by adopting a ban on self-defense on school…

  • MeWe

      We’ve had a group on facebook for many years and I don’t see that going away any time soon but we are tentatively trying to have a group on mewe now as well given the data privacy and hostile political leanings of facebook. Feel free to check us out there and help grow the…

  • Happy Porcupine Day

    On February 3, 2016 the Free State Project reached their goal of getting  20,000 participants to sign the Statement of Intent to move to New Hampshire, where they will “exert their fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of individuals’ rights to life,…

  • Thank you to The Flight Center

    Just wanted to thank The Flight Center on Main Street in Nashua for agreeing to be a Nashua collection/drop off point for a winter coat drive for Shire Sharing.

  • Flat Stanley

    Flat Stanley

    Recently, we received a large envelope in the mail that was part of a student Flat Stanley project. The intent behind these projects is that students create a small paper avatar of themselves and mail it, along with a list of desired recipients, to a friend or family in a different geographical region. The idea…

  • Welcome

    Nashua Liberty is an informal group of greater Nashua area liberty-oriented locals. Our events are intended to provide an opportunity to socialize, engage in light-hearted fellowship, and discuss topics of interest. New movers and guests are always welcome! We typically have a social gathering every Sunday in the downtown Nashua area. People start arriving around…