Nashua Curfew Fails

Nashua business curfew of 9:30 PM failed.

The next time someone chides you about “the fallacy of extension”, listen to Alderman Lopez or any politician as they rattle off the prior restrictions as they justify the next small step at destroying what remains of your liberty. Alderman Jette mentioned that since MA passed a curfew, they’ve seen a leveling off of cases. Wow – Let’s look at that. The MA curfew passed on Nov 19th. Looks like it went up right after and has pretty much leveled out – Amazing!

Let’s compare that to evil NH that does (did) not have a curfew.

Hey that’s odd. We also flattened in pretty much the same way. Note it does seem plausible that reduced exposure should result in fewer cases. The data does not seem to support it.



